Can dream interpretation be a valid method for self-growth? Below a Dream Therapist friend shares an interesting perspective.
Can dream interpretation be a valid method for self-growth? My answer is Yes. But to answer the question of ‘how can it be so?’…well… to be frank, I have no straight answers. All I can say is that the guiding hand of the intelligence of the soul or higher self or Source works in mysterious ways.
An understanding of our dreams is the most direct way of tapping into this cosmic intelligence. This is one of the easier methods when compared to other means such as clairvoyance training and other psychic developments. The reason for this ease is because most of us dream at some point!
Interestingly, dream interpretation can also be applied in other areas too. It can be and has been used successfully to interpret the symbols of our clairvoyant vision while in meditation. Understanding the symbology can assist one in bridging a transition onto higher and more abstract means of knowing.
There are certain skills that I feel are important for successful dream interpretation. One of which is a developed intuition. Unfortunately, this faculty is something that no dream interpretation software or tool can have. It is something that only we ourselves can nurture. Intuition is what binds and creates recognisable connections to seemingly unrelated dream visions and symbols. This in turn structures the connections into a cohesive and meaningful message. Intuition is not mental reasoning. It is simply that inner knowing of feeling and sensing, that is beyond logic and reasoning.
Intuition is in fact a real cognitive process. Unfortunately, our modern civilisation is heavily ‘mental-rationalisation driven’ and therefore is not in the capacity to validate a higher-order process such as intuition. In another word, we have been placing too much emphasis on logic, proving and reasoning. Intuition sometimes doesn’t tell you the outcomes of events. In many cases, it is simply an inner knowing that explains and provides answers. If the thoughts are those of how superior one really is and is smacked with elitism and pride, then one better take a closer assessment, before getting too carried away. These thoughts might not be intuitions. If they simply think things like “You will be rich and famous if you do this’ or ‘she must be wrong as I am smarter’, go double-check. That thought may be coming from the part of the ego/personality associated with body-mind survival. Take a breath, connect to that which feels truthful and calm and you will yield results. Thank you for reading.